Shared web hosting is virtual hosted server located on a machine (computer) with other shared hosted sites. For those who are new to having their own web site shared hosting is recommended. Why do I recommend shared hosting? That’s simple, the hosting company takes care of everything server wise which leaves you more time to design, promote, and manage your web page. My first hosting experience I spent more time messing with my server than I did working on my own web page. What a waste of time and money!
Shared hosting is very cheap for the service most companies provide. You should be able to find a decent shared host for less than 10 dollars a month...
Since these packages are on the cheaper side some companies won’t include features that are included with other packages. Some basic features that you will want is CPanel, POP3 email, FTP access, FREE 24/7 support, Perl, PHP, and your own CGI-BIN.
Some hosts will charge less than 5 dollars a month for their services. These are the companies to avoid! Their services are under 5 dollars a month for a reason. Another type of shared host to avoid is a reseller. In today’s market literally anyone can have their own reseller hosting company. Most resellers will not admit to being a reseller clearly so be sure to research a company before joining.
So if you’re looking to start your own web page shared hosting is for you. It’s easy, affordable, and just right for the beginner webmaster. Spend your time improving your web site(s), not managing your on your server